Why Should I Do WordPress Database Backup?

Gepubliceerd op 25 mei 2021 om 12:25

Without a doubt, WordPress is the most popular way to create blogs and websites on the internet. WordPress is packed to make customizing your website a lot easier by adding plugins, templates, themes, and more. It also protects your website from spam. The WordPress community will help you get answers to any problems you may have with your WordPress site.

Since most of the users use WordPress to build websites, hackers try their best to access the website to hack them. Therefore, it is very important that you update WordPress to the latest version. Another important option is to regularly back up your website. If your site is hacked, you can simply reload the database and files. This is normal in a few minutes.

How Often Should You Back Up Your WordPress Database?

Depending on the number of posts you add to your website and the comments you get, you should back up your WordPress database. Note that if you back up your site today and something bad happens to your site in a week, if you try to restore the backup, you will be able to retrieve the lost data after you back it up. However, you can't get any of the comments your site has received since it was archived. Therefore, it is advisable to make a backup every two or three days. Get to know about wordpress real estate plugins via visiting https://www.wpoven.com/blog/wordpress-menu-plugins/.

How to secure a WordPress database?

There are several ways to secure your site. However, the two easiest ways to do this are by using phpMyAdmin and WordPRess plugins such as WP-DB-Backup. The WordPress backup plugin allows you to schedule backups, and backup data can also be sent to your email address. You can get to know about wordpress landing page plugins via visiting https://www.wpoven.com/blog/wordpress-portfolio-plugins/.

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